
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Poetic Passions
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
I wanted to be a little lighter on your spirits this week. I thought Poetic Passions, would be the remedy for those struggling with seasonal depression, family dynamics, or even just truly hearing a floetry in poetry. I'm just here she share a part of me, I have hidden away for too long. Tap in...It's REAL!

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
RHONY had a revamp, rebirth, and renew this season! So we'll say it was a RHONY RENAISSANCE! But baby, Eboni K. Williams is the reason behind this amazing gift! So thank you, sis! Tap in while my girl, my virgo sista, and homie, @therealniarich, discuss this franchise..let's get real!

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sibling Scenarios
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
I know I'm not the ONLY CHILD by identity, but has siblings. Yes, you read that correctly. I am an only child with siblings, because I'm daddy's baby girl, and Mommy's only world. It's common to have these sibling dynamics. You have a plethora of them, siblings raised in the same household, siblings raised in different households, siblings raised by the system meanwhile others are raised by family. Either way, this is something that is often never discussed, but most of us have watched the renowned sitcom,'Half & Half' so let's get REAL! TAP IN!

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
(P)using.(T)hrough.(S)erious.(D)oubt. (PTSD)
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
We all have suffered from PTSD one way, or another. You may have actually endured something traumatic, where you were formally diagnose with it. You also may have had a time in life, where you were trying to get OVER THE MOUNTAIN, from being in the valley low. Regardless of how you acquired it, it's a time where you're at your most vulnerable, and fragile state. You just want others to be able to understand it, so tap in...I kept it REAL! I mean, it's me...I ALWAYS DO!

Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Soft Girl Life💅🏽
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Yesssss I'm officially a SOFT GIRL! The ruffneck is now a real lover! I feel now I can finally discuss SOFT GIRL LIVING because now I have my person to complete the lifestyle. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've been soft girl living for a while. I just love how I can step out of my masculine energy, and embrace the feminine. Tap in..let's get real! MY PERSON...MY PERSON....MY PERSON!!!!🧡

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
They Cloned Tyrone, The Caucosoids Takeover
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
SEASON 10 PREMIERE! Wow, we're really here! But it's been a while since I spit some society, culture, and politics. I felt I needed to spit some real shit, to start this double digit season. THEY CLONED TYRONE was a movie that legit had me on my toes, and we love a good allegorical sci fi chile. "Sometimes it takes one in the clique, to make it click to see some shit. Sometimes we have to bait, and switch to pull a them on them."- JESS B. Real...So tap in! WE'RE STILL keeping it real!

Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Notorious Notoriety
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
SEASON 9 FINALE!!!! I told y'all my crush, sooo now I feel I had to continue the obligations that come with it. Notorious Notoriety is really a thing. Have you ever realized how much we aren't present because of social media? How impacting it is when verification is viewed to place your status? Welp...I got some thoughts...tap in...let's get real!

Sunday Sep 03, 2023
I like you, I REALLY like you!😍
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
I mean the title is self explanatory, the only caveat is...it's a public figure! Yikessss!! So yes, come chat with me as I talk about the wisdom I received, and how I'm believing in divine timing. Tap in..it's real!

Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Double Retrogrades♌️, Double Reflections Made♍️
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
HAPPY B(EARTH)DAY TO ME!!!!🎉🎂🎊♍️ 33..year of ascension, a MASTER NUMBER! We're in a double retrograde. We are in a Venus Retrograde in Leo, and a Mercury Retrograde in Virgo (yesss, my behind is feeling boffum lmao.) As I've done since this podcast I either REFLECT, or PROJECT what a new year of life has for me. This time, I did both...I mean if the placements affect me, then I should speak on it. Tap in..Let's get real! (Y'all got an episode on my birthday, so you know I like y'all lol)😊

Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Hip-Hop 50🎤🎧🎶
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
I held off a WHOLE YEAR for this episode, even though it was apart of my 90s series. This shows I didn't forget as I promised. Hip-Hop has been mainstream to culture, society, and even politics. How can you not take something that became recognizable from the simple block of Sedgwick Ave, in The Bronx, from a local DJ Kool Herc, to be a phenomenon that is STILL changing lives daily. 'I Used to Love H.E.R.' and I 'Thank H.E.R. Now'. Now if you know what emcees created these two songs dedicated to our queen known as HIP-HOP, then tap in...it gets real! HAPPY 50TH HIP-HOP!🎤🎧🎶