
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Spirituality > Religion
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Controversial topic, but this is ME, so would you expect anything less? lol. I said it, and I meant it, but we can talk about it. So let's do just that...tap in, let's get real!

Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Army Strong
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
The best way to understand is to ask the source that is actually living it. I decided to reach out to my girl, Key, to give some insight on her life being 'Army Strong'. Along with serving the country, she has many other things she's balancing in her life...tap in. Let's get real!

Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Bruised But Not Broken
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Being a boxer over 20 years, is a surprising thing to most! But I may have trained to do what most black women do day in, and day out...FIGHT! First recognition wasn't until 1995 for women to even compete for the Golden Gloves, so imagine how much more history is missed, or retracted to enlighten the fights fought. We fight bruised, but not broken. Some bruises are internal, some external, either way they aren't breaking our SOUL...tap in, let's get real!

Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
SEASON 8 PREMIERE! NEW SEASON...NEW YEAR! Happy 2023! Since the usual themes for each new year is, "new year, new me", or the "it's all about me" why not talk about the truth in it all. There's solace, and solitude but which one are most really after? tap in...let's get real!

Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Soul Holidays🎅🏾🎄✝️🎊
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
SEASON 7 FINALE! THAT'S A WRAP PEOPLE! Another season down, and another season of personal stories, societal chaos, and cultural norms being addressed. THANK YOU TO YOU ALL WHO HAVE BEEN RIDING THIS RIDE WITH ME, YOU most definitely, are apart of my SOUL HOLIDAYS! A time of the year to share gratitude, thanksgiving, and fellowship with family, chosen, or blood tied. Either way, I'll see y'all in 2023!!!! Have a SAFE, BLESSED, AND ENDLESS LOVE DURING YOUR SOUL HOLIDAYS!
With Love,
Your homegirl JESS B. Real💜

Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Divine 9 or Defined Lines? (Part2)
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
The continuation of the 100th episode conversation! You know I got y'all! So would this be 101st now? LOL

Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Divine 9 or Defined Lines?
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Well before anything it's JESS B. Real Podcast's 100th episode. I didn't want to share this momentous episode with none other than my brother, Dion Inge, a loyal listener and supporter. So we talk about the taboo, I mean it is me duhhh! D9 is a FUBU, so why is it becoming now a FOR "YOU" type of situation? Even on HBCU campuses this is a "reward" but why? Is it Divine 9 or Defined Lines? Tap...Let's Get real! Oh by the way, this is ONLY part ONE. I couldn't short change y'all this go round!

Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
We ALL possess GIFTS! Why are you holding on, to what is meant to be shared with the world? Now that's selfish babes! I know everyone doesn't agree with your gift, or maybe they don't understand it, but that's not your purpose to make them get it. India Arie said it best, "JUST DO YOU TODAY! IF YOU CREATE THE GAME THEN YOU CREATE THE RULES, AND IF YOU JUST BE YOU. THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN LOSE!" tap in...Let's get real!

Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Financially Focused
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Financial literacy is something most don't learn until the debt has been consumed. There are some of us that are privy to this logic, and the tactic to have financial clouds linger over your life for eternity. What is the true value of the dollar? Generational wealth? Financial Focus...tap in, let's get real! I'm not going to gatekeep, what I purposely studied in school to share with my people!

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
C’Mon Beloved, It’s CoCo Jones!
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
It's exactly what the title says, 'Beloved! It's CoCo Jones!' The Princess of R&B Soul! Idc Idc IDC! So we're gonna talk about about you thought you knew, and 'What I Didn't Tell You'. You see what I did there, R&B is still alive, you just aren't listening to the right folks! Tap in...Let's get real! CoCo Jones...Thank you sis!